What February Means To Me

I’m sure we all think about the same thing when thinking about February. Obviously, my birthday. No? Well, we’ll get to that other day of the month a bit later. I really don’t get the concept of celebrating birthdays. I think all we’re really saying with our birthday greetings is “Congratulations, you’re not dead.” I honestly hate all the attention that comes from simply being born, but I’m not too proud to confess that I love receiving gifts. I’m certainly not a fan of having a February birthday since it’s relatively so close to Christmas. That means my annual gift receiving days are all over within a two month span.

If I had to be born in February, I wish it could’ve been on a leap year day. I’d only have to deal with the hubbub of my birthday every four years – and I’d be a lot younger! However, then I’d only receive a quarter of the gifts that I am used to, and that would be devastating. I guess I’ll have to reconsider. I understand my situation could be much worse; I pity those who have a December birthday, especially if it’s on Christmas Day. I can’t even imagine trying to compete with Santa Claus AND Jesus. I would much rather compete with the chubby cherub who makes an appearance every February 14th.

Valentine’s Day is probably what most of you were actually thinking about when considering the month of February. I don’t mind “the day of romance” because it’s not just about me. (My heart goes out to those who aren’t in a relationship, but would like to be, during this time of year.) Because I do have a significant other, I’m prompted each year to remind my wife how much she means to me. It genuinely takes the missus and I two days to celebrate Valentine’s Day: cards, presents, and a nice dinner and dessert at home on the 14th, and a nice dinner out on either the 13th or the 15th. We choose to not deal with the crowds and inflated prices of February the 14th. We’re cheap … I mean frugal … I mean good stewards of our finances.

Lastly, I assume Groundhog Day is just an afterthought to most people when pondering the month of February. But Punxsutawney Phil’s special day is somewhat relevant in our household. As tradition dictates, the missus and I watch the Bill Murray rom-com, Groundhog Day, every February 2nd. As tradition dictates, the missus and I watch the Bill Murray rom-com, Groundhog Day, every February 2nd. Get it? If not, watch the movie! So, this is what February means to me. What does February mean to you?

One response to “What February Means To Me

  • Kelly Harlow

    February is Valentine’s Day to me. It’s a hit or miss every year if me and my significant other actually do anything to celebrate it, but I always send out a Valentine’s day card with some type of gift card in it to my adult children. I’m sure they think it is “corny”, but I’m sure that they will miss them someday. I also send them a text the day of, in case the mail doesn’t arrive in time. The text to my daughter always says, “Happy Valentime’s Day!! That is how she always said it when she was little. We would correct her and try to get her to say it correctly. I’m not gonna lie, when she finally did, I was a little sad.

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